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Thursday, May 10, 2012

Milford day at the Beardsley Zoo

Milford Mayor Benjamin G. Blake is pleased to announce “Milford Day at the Zoo”.  On Saturday June 2, 2012, Connecticut’s Beardsley Zoo will host all residents of Milford from 10 am to 4 pm.  All Milford residents will get in for only $5.00 each with ID.  Spend the day at the zoo seeing all the new faces, riding the carousel and enjoying the entertainment.  Meet and greet local officials as well as business and civic leaders, your friends, and your neighbors.

In addition, non-profit organizations are invited to set up a booth for the day and spread the word about the good works they are doing.  Interested organizations should contact Bob Gregory at 203-783-3230 or  

Information was submitted by the mayor's office via a press release


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