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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Need some help with networking? This free event at the Fairfield library might be for you

 And it's free

"Appropriate for all levels of job candidates, the program is full of useful information designed to improve all aspects of your search," the statement said.
The event begins at 7 p.m. Feb. 28 at the Main Library, 1080 Old Post Road.
Drew is an information technology executive and member/presenter at many area networking groups, the statement said.  
"He is the founder of Exec2Tech, a management consulting group of executives providing services to various industries," the statement said. "Ron is an IT security consultant to Diageo, but in the evenings he can often be found presenting workshops on everything from job transitioning to identity theft."
The talk is part of the library’s weekly speaker series, Jobs 2012, now in its third year, the statement said. "The talks are supplemented by the Library’s Friday morning networking group, a LinkedIn networking group, one-on-one career counseling sessions, Job Search Boot Camp, podcast recordings of over 100 past presentations online (, and an updated collection of job-hunting books."
As with all programs at the Fairfield Public Library, the event is free, the statement said.
Register online at or for more information call 203-256-3160. 
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Editor's note: All information and the photo in this post were contributed; information is only lightly edited here and posted as a community service.


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