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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Orange and West Haven Share Best Pizza in CT

I am thrilled to hear of Zuppardi’s Apizza being victorious as the best pizza in Connecticut. This family run pizzeria has earned the title of Best Pizza in Connecticut by the Destination Guide from the Travel Channel.

The Zuppardi family is known for having deep roots in West Haven but what most people do not know is that Cheryl and Lori, the Zuppardi sisters have deep roots in Orange as well, raising the next generation of pizza makers in our town.

I encourage everyone to sign onto the You Tube link listed below. They need the most views over a 30 day period to win a national commercial package. Each of us can help them with the contest by watching the You Tube segment:

Go to : or go to and view it on their web site.


Jim Zeoli

First Selectman of Orange


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