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Sunday, February 26, 2012


Hartford – State Representatives Kim Rose (D-Milford), Richard Roy (D-Milford), Chair of the legislature’s Environment Committee and Paul Davis (D-Milford) today hailed passage of House Bill #5302 that clarifies a 2006 statutory amendment that was interpreted by the Superior Court to relinquish municipal control over zoning laws applicable to solid waste facilities.
The legislation asserts that municipalities retain the authority to enact and implement zoning laws that regulate safety issues, such as fire and traffic concerns, at solid waste facilities in their communities. Without this legislation, the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection would have sole regulatory authority over these facilities with little local control over zoning decisions. This clarification allows applicants to be informed early in the process of all the conditions they will be expected to meet in order to construct or expand a given facility.
“I have been listening to concerns about this important issue during the last five years and was determined to find a solution to alleviate this burden not only for our town, but towns across the state,” Rep. Rose said. “This is an important step forward in helping us address our local issue and in allowing towns to regain local control over infringements on quality of life. I am pleased we were able to work on this in an expedited manner.”
"Defending the right to participate in regulating any solid waste operation within the community is critical to addressing health and safety concerns," said Rep. Roy. "If this court ruling were to stand, Milford and the other 168 municipalities in our state would have no ability to protect its residents."
“This was a Milford’s delegation teamwork effort,” said Davis. “I look forward to continuing to work to protect the interests of our community.”
Milford has been dealing with a local recycling firm seeking expansion approval for their waste facility.
The bill moves to the Senate Wednesday for consideration.


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