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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Surviving the Tween Years

Milford Youth and Family Services, in conjunction with the Boys and Girls Club, will be conducting a two-week series for parents and youth entitled, “Surviving the Tween Years.” The “tween” or middle school years are an adjustment for all families. It is a time where your child is fighting for independence and still craving structure. Through this program we are hoping to provide and enlighten parents on what their kids are going through and offer suggestions on ways to engage and work with their children to ensure a safe and healthy growing experience.
The first workshop will be conducted by certified Marriage and Family Therapists on Tuesday October 4th from 6:30 to 7:30 P.M. The event is hosted by the Boys and Girls Club, which is located at 14 Benham Avenue. All Milford residents are welcome to attend. There will be two separate groups organized for these events, one for the parents and one for their “tween” children. This program is designed to provide vital information about this developmental stage, encourage lively discussions among the program participants, and provide resources and strategies to families and youth who are looking to figure out how to survive this in-between time. This program will be offered to the community at no cost. Light refreshments will be served.

Anyone with questions or interest in this program should contact either Megan Altomare, Executive Director of the Boys & Girls Club (203)713-8055 or Mindy Natale, LMFT, Clinical Coordinator, at 203-783-3253.


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