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Monday, July 25, 2011

ENTER TO WIN: Best travel photo wins $100 to Antonio's Restaurant from Tweed Airport

In early celebration of its 80th anniversary, Tweed New Haven Regional Airport is hosting an amateur photo contest looking for the best examples of summer travel memories.

Visit for details on how to enter.

Entries will be posted to an album on Tweed's Facebook page. Facebook users who "like" Tweed's Facebook page are then able to vote for their favorite photos.

The entrant with the most "like" votes will win $100 in dining certificates to Antonio's Restaurant in East Haven.

Photo submissions will be accepted until 11:59 p.m., July 31. Voting on the Facebook page will take place from Aug. 1 - 7.

Tweed New Haven Airport was officially dedicated as the New Haven Municipal Airport on August 29, 1931. This year the airport will celebrate its 80th anniversary. In 1998 AFCO AvPORTS was hired to manage the airport on behalf of the Airport Authority. Currently US Airways is the current commercial carrier.


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