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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Milford Police Parking Ban for East Broadway

The Milford Police Department will be activating a parking ban (alternate side of street snow parking) on East Broadway Thursday, February 3, 2011 and Friday, February 4, 2011. Theparking restrictions will apply to the section of East Broadway starting at the intersection of Surf Avenue westbound to the dead end section of East Broadway adjacent to Silver Sands State Park(addresses ranging from 681-927 East Broadway). Please refer to the below descriptions of theparking restrictions:February 3, 2011 Vehicles will be allowed to park on the odd-numbered side of the street (side of the street having odd street addresses) on odd numbered days ofthe month from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.February 4, 2011 Vehicles will be allowed to park on the even-numbered side of the street (side of the street having even street addresses) on the even numbereddays of the month from 7:00 am – 6:00 pm.The purpose of this parking ban is to assist the State Department of Transportation who will beremoving snow from this area due to the large amount of snowfall we have received in the arearecently. Police will be advising residents and visitors to the area of the parking restrictions by posting No Parking signs in the area, a message delivered to area residents through Milford Alerts (citywidemass notification system), City of Milford website and through media press releases.Any vehicles found to be parked on a side of the street other than the designated side for that datemay be issued a parking ticket in the amount of $25 and may be removed by towing at thedirection of the Milford Police Department. Anyone with questions regarding the parkingrestrictions can contact the Milford Police Dispatch center at (203) 878-6551


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