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Friday, January 28, 2011

Do you FourSqaure?

FAIRFIELD - The February session of 'Mid-Day with Merry' will focus on "the hot technology topic" of FourSquare at noon Feb. 16 at the Fairfield Public Library, 1080 Old Post Road, organizers said in a statement.

"Learn about FourSquare, a mobile application game that challenges users to explore, experience new things, and rewards them for doing so. Learn how to “check in” to places you visit, tell friends where you are and track the history of where you’ve been and who you’ve been with," the statement said.
Merry Uk, is the Fairfield Public Library and town webmaster.
"She is extremely knowledgeable about the technology system as well as being very aware and enthused about sharing her knowledge in basic easy-to-understand ways so everyone can comprehend," the statement said. "Bring your questions to this tech guru."

For more information about this and future Mid-Day with Merry sessions, visit
 or call 203-256-3160.

All programs at the Fairfield Public Library are free.

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