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Friday, January 28, 2011

Parent Leadership Training Institute program begins Saturday

MILFORD — The city will kick-off its third Parent Leadership Training Institute Jan. 29 starting with breakfast at First United Church of Christ, Congregational, 34 W. Main Street, according to a statement.

The Parent Leadership Training Institute program was developed by the state Commission on Children to enable parents to become leading advocates for children. The cornerstones of the program are respect, validation, and a belief that when the tools of democracy are understood, the public will actively engage in civic life, the statement said.

The program comes to Milford as the result of a collaborative effort between the Milford Health Department, the United Way of Milford, and Kids Count of Milford, the statement said.

“We are proud of the way that various community organizations—public, private, and nonprofit—have come together with the goal of empowering and supporting parents and caregivers to improve the lives of children at home, in school, and in the community,” Dr. A. Dennis McBride, Milford health director, said, also in the statement.

PLTI students participate in an 18-week comprehensive program designed to provide the civic and leadership skills needed to work in the community on behalf of children. Each student completes a community project that contributes to the well being of Milford’s children, the statement said. The community project also gives students a hands-on opportunity to apply the skills learned in the program. The 18-week program begins with an all-day retreat Saturday.

Several organizations have been involved with the Design Team for the program, including the Milford Health Department, Kids Count of Milford, United Way of Milford, First United Church of Christ, Congregational, Milford Discovery Initiative, and several early childhood education representatives.

For more information about PLTI in Milford, call Lesley Darling, PLTI Coordinator, at the Milford Health Department at 203-783-3314.


Anonymous Atlanta Plastic Surgeons said...

The parents are much responsible for the physical and mental health of a student.They have to know how a guiding light they have to be corrective yet inspiring to help them become leaders on the way.

January 31, 2011 at 1:44 AM 
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was too late to know of this event! anyways thanks and hope you could share few videos!

Transformational Leadership Questionnaire

February 22, 2011 at 6:26 AM 

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