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Friday, February 4, 2011

Legislative office hours to be held

WOODBRIDGE— State Rep. Themis Klarides, R-Derby, will hold office hours from 6 to 7 p.m. Feb. 7  in the Selectman’s Board Room at Town Hall, 11 Meetinghouse Lane.
Klarides, shown, will be joined by state Sen. Joe Crisco, D-Woodbridge, and First Selectman Edward Maum Sheehy, according to a statement.
Constituents are welcome to stop by to talk about any issues or questions related to state and local government, the statement said.

“A new legislative session began this month (Jan. 5) and I am looking forward to meeting one-on-one with my constituents to hear their questions and concerns right from the start," Klarides said in the statement.
She said, also in the statement, that Crisco, also shown, who also represents Woodbridge, and Sheehy, "have graciously agreed to join" her.
Of note, she said, is the state budget deficit and "some tough decisions to get the state’s financial house in order" that lawmakers face, the statement said.
"We welcome anyone to stop by and are happy to hear concerns and answer any questions relating to state and local government,” Klarides said in the statement.

Klarides represents parts of Woodbridge, Orange, and Derby.

Editor's Note: All information in this post was contributed and it is shared here as a public service.



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