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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Milford Services Available to residents this weekend

Mayor James L. Richetelli, Jr. Friday reminded residents to continue during this holiday weekend to avail themselves of assistance being offered in the wake of Hurricane Irene.
Mayor Richetelli said that residents who have concerns, questions or special needs may still call the City of Milford emergency operations center at 203-874-6782. Now that most residents have electric power, the Mayor noted that residents can find pertinent information about the storm on the City of Milford website, Click on the storm icon there to see storm-related links and information.
“This information page includes a link to ‘storm repairs’, which was prepared by the City Department of Permitting and Land Use. For your convenience, the Building Department will be open Saturday, September 3rd from 8 a.m. until noon to answer questions and accept permit applications,” Mayor Richetelli said.
United Illuminating advises that more than 96% of the City has electrical power restored. If most of your neighbors have power and you do not, please contact UI at 1-800-722-5584 to report this issue. Also, UI advised today that residents may now call the same number (1-800-722-5584) for an update on restoration of power to a specific home or business.
Mayor Richetelli said that Milford residents who require an electrical inspection before UI will restore power, or who are concerned that their electrical system was damaged by water, should call the City emergency operations center (203-874-6782) as soon as possible. Municipal building officials will be conducting inspections over the holiday weekend to determine whether it is safe to restore electricity to these homes.
For residents who still have no power, food and water are available at fire stations throughout the City. And from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Saturday and Sunday, the American Red Cross will operate mobile stations with food and clean-up kits the The Tri-Beach Community Center and 100 Viscount Drive.
“As we continue to clean up after the storm, please be advised that the Department of Public Works will remove cut brush and other debris from curbside on a rotating basis,” the Mayor said. The municipal transfer station continues to be open weekdays from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For those whose property was damaged by Hurricane Irene, the Mayor said the City is working through the State Department of Emergency Services and Public Protection to obtain federal funding assistance. This process is geared toward obtaining a Presidential “disaster area” declaration for New Haven County. When this declaration is obtained, Milford will receive assistance from the Federal Emergency Management Agency, or FEMA. Additional details will be forthcoming.


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