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Sunday, May 15, 2011

Temple Emanuel Musical Shabbat

All are welcome to share joy and music at Temple Emanuel's final two musical Shabbat Services for spring 2011, scheduled for May 20 and June 24 at 8 p.m.
The Temple Emanuel band includes 17 temple member musicians who range in age from 10 to 60-something. The band is comprised of a rhythm section, a string quartet and a wind section made up of saxophones, clarinet and euphonium.  The members include several parent/child groups and two Rabbis.
The band is led by Rabbi Michael Farbman and Laurel Shader; the music, ranging from contemporary to traditional, is arranged for the band by Shader.
Please visit the Temple Emanuel website and calendar for more information.

Temple Emanuel, located at the corner of Dogwood Road and Derby Turnpike (Route 34) in Orange, is an open and affirming Reform Jewish congregation of approximately 150 families from more than 12 towns in greater New Haven and the Housatonic River Valley. For more information, or to request a membership packet, call 397-3000.

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed.


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