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Friday, May 13, 2011

Antique and Classic Car Show is Sunday

STRATFORD — The second annual Boothe Memorial Park & Museum Antique and Classic Car Show will be held 9 a.m.-3 p.m. May 15 at 5800 Main St., Putney.

Rain date is May 22.

Presented by the Connecticut Seaport Car Club, Eastern Packard Club & The Friends of Boothe Memorial Park.

There are free activities for the whole family and benefits the Friends of Boothe Park.

All show cars welcome. 200 Dash Plaques, Goodie Bags, Trophies, Food, Bake Sale, Ice Cream. Groups that arrive together can park together in a beautiful, historic setting off the Merritt Parkway. All 20 buildings on the Boothe estate will be open free to public: model trains, blacksmith, observatory, sheep shearing, rose garden, machines and carriages. Music, art, drama, and hands-on events. Flag raising by Port 5 Naval Veterans at 11:30.

Registration, $10 per show vehicle:

Additional info: Contact Rich Iannucci - 203-610-3330


Blogger Sukhdeep said...

I spend so much time at car shows, my wife has threatened to cancel the auto insurance on it so I can't drive it anymore!

June 23, 2011 at 1:53 AM 
Anonymous Erwin Calverley said...

Car shows are great family events. These things do bring out the inner child in ya... being around so many colorful and beautiful cars. They're like big toys, aside from the convenience of transportation.

March 6, 2012 at 8:13 AM 

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