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Friday, March 30, 2012

A day in the life of a Civil War soldier to be presented at Housatonic Community College

BRIDGEPORT -- A day in the life of a Civil War soldier will be the subject of an event April 4 in the Housatonic Community College Courtyard, according to a release..
"Civil War re-enactor Jay Hull, representing the 27th Connecticut Volunteer Infantry, will demonstrate  the daily routine, clothing, equipment, and weapons of soldiers in the nation's biggest single crisis," the release said..
Arranged by HCC History professor David Koch, the event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
The rain date is April 5.
To learn more, visit the college's website at:
HCC is located at 900 Lafayette Blvd. in downtown Bridgeport, less than 150 yards off I-95 (Exit 27) and Rte. 8 (Exit 1), a block from the Webster Bank Arena at Harbor Yard. Free parking is available in the Housatonic garage.

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed.


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