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Monday, January 16, 2012

The annual 'Taste of Honey' is coming up soon at the JCC in Woodbridge

 Many classes will be held

WOODBRIDGE — The Center for Jewish Life and Learning will hold its annual Taste of Honey program Jan. 28 and 29 at the Jewish Community Center, 360 Amity Road.
Taste of Honey is designed to provide classes for almost every taste and interest. Offerings range from Rabbi Benjamin Scolnic’s session, “Is the Penn (State Brand) Mightier than the Truth? Judaism and Moral Responsibility”;  a presentation by Yonatan Moss, a post-doctoral fellow at Yale, on “How an Iraqi Bishop Helped Invent Jewish Philosophy: The Newly Discovered Evidence of a Yale Manuscript.”; and Adam Segulah Sher,  program director at the Isabella Freedman Jewish Retreat Center in the Southern Berkshires, will lead a session with Sarah Chandler, associate director for the Adamah Fellowship, on the Jewish spiritual dimensions of eco-consciousness and how it improves other aspects of our lives.
On Jan. 28, Rabbis Alvin Wainhaus of Congregation Or Shalom and Michael Farbman of Temple Emanuel will lead a session celebrating the legacy and music of Debbie Friedman as well as lead the Havdalah service with Friedman’s melodies.
Cost is $18 per participant, or $10 for students and seniors.
Also, Richard Gans and a host of local musicians and local Hebrew school students will perform a free  concert celebrating Friedman’s music at 10 a.m. Sunday.
For more information about the many interesting programs, visit or contact Rich Walter at 203-387-2522, ext. 300 or

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed in a statement.

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