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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cruisin East Car Club Kicks Off Ongoing Holiday Toy Drive in Stratford

"The Toy Drive is a huge endeavor"
STRATFORD - The 2011 Sterling House Holiday Toy Drive & Adopt-A-Family Program kicked off Nov. 13 as the Cruisin East Car Club had its 27th Annual Cruise and Toy Drive for the program at Savin Rock Roasting Company in Stratford and Goodies Drive Inn in Milford, according to a statement.
"As its collector cars were on display, individuals, families, businesses and organizations came forward and donated toys, gift cards and made monetary donations for the Sterling House Program," the statement said. "Close to $3,000 of monetary donations and gift cards was raised for the Toy Drive along with 700 new toys."
"Last year this project coordinated by the Stratford Junior Women's Club and Sterling House provided over 1,000 children in Stratford with  Holiday gifts," the statement said.
"The Cruisin East Car Club event was wonderful giving us a great start for the project. We are most grateful to the Dave Burs, Event Coordinator, the Club, its members and all its sponsors," Lou Perno, executive director, said in the statement.

"The Toy Drive is a huge endeavor which involves the donation of monetary contributions, toys, and gift cards from churches, schools, neighbors, service clubs, local businesses and several community agencies and organizations especially Stratford EMS and the Cruisin East Car Club.  On December 17th, EMS staff and other volunteers will deliver sacks of gifts to families throughout Stratford," the statement said.

"Any monetary donations, toys and gift cards will be most appreciated. Any group interested in adopting a family for the holidays or for more information about the Sterling House 2011 Holiday Toy Drive and Adopt-A-Family Program can contact Perno at 203-378-2606, Ext. 103 or

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed. It is largely unedited here.


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