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Monday, October 24, 2011

National Food Day a hit with New Haven school second graders

 NEW HAVEN — Second graders at Columbus Family Academy marked National Food Day Monday by walking to the Chabaso Bakery community garden for a teach-in on nutrition by New Haven Public Schools Executive Director of Food Services Chef Timothy Cipriano, the district said.
National Food Day is organized by the Center for Science in the Public Interest and the event focuses attention on nutrition and healthy eating, the district said in a statement. “This year’s theme is encouraging consumption of healthy, affordable food grown in sustainable and humane ways,” the statement said.
“Cipriano and NHPS dietitian Sarah Bourque’s “Eating Real” teach-in used a special curriculum developed for Food Day by the Center for Food & Environment at Columbia University,” the statement said.
“This curriculum is powerful in its simplicity,” Cipriano said. “It provides tools that teachers can use to promote Food Day goals throughout the school year.”
Students sampled Chabaso Bakery’s new “Ollie Bread” made with natural ingredients and whole grains such as wheat, honey, raisins, millet, flax and rye, the statement said.
Chabaso Bakery owner and operator Charles Negaro said, also in the statement, “The Chabaso family, my wife Nancy our children, our employees and I, hope to make a difference by improving the health and wellbeing of our community.”
U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-3, of New Haven, attended the event.

Editor's note: All information in this post was contributed. All photos by Chris Volpe Photography



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