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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Technology Mentoring Program

Milford Youth and Family Services is running a Technology Mentoring Program and reaching out to Milford Residents who wish to learn how to use basic computer programs and operating systems such as Windows, Snow Leopard or even how to input data. There are even individuals in the program that can assist Milford Residents with discovering how to search the internet and learn how to send email. Milford Youth and Family Services maintains a list of youth within the Milford community that possess these skills and are seeking temporary jobs. The Program connects Milford Residents with youth between the ages of 12 -17 in their neighborhood and helps the youth in acquiring work experience, a sense of accountability and self-assurance.

In addition, if you would like assistance with other tasks such as yard work, gardening, babysitting and other miscellaneous jobs, please contact Christie to learn more about The Rent-a-Kid Program.

For more information on The Technology Mentoring Program and/or The Rent-a-Kid Program please contact Christie Roche, Program Coordinator, at Milford Youth and Family Services at 203-783-3253.


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