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Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sterling House Community Center taking camp registrations

Enrollment is limited, and is done on a first come basis, organizers said

STRATFORD - Registration packets for the Sterling Park Day Camp’s 2011 season are now available for pickup at Sterling House Community Center, 2283 Main St., according to camp Co-Directors Priscilla Choquette and Robert Wargo.
All completed application packets can be dropped off or mailed to Sterling House, according to a statement.
Enrollment is filled on a first come-first serve basis and enrollment is limited, the statement said.

The summer day camp for boys and girls from Pre-K (4) through eighth grade will operate in four two-week sessions beginning June 27 and concluding Aug. 19. Hours will be 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. for Pre-K children and 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. for campers in grades K-8, with extended hours beginning at 8 a.m. and concluding at 5:30 p.m. The fee for day camp is $300 per session per child (9 am-3:30 pm) with an additional cost for the extended hours.

Sterling Park Day Camp, which has served children of the community for more than 65 years, offers indoor and outdoor physical and non-physical activities, including arts and crafts, sports, music, drama, games of skill, track and field events, swimming and community trips, the statement said.

Physical facilities include an in-ground swimming pool, playground, recreation field, arts and crafts room, kitchen, all-purpose room, dressing rooms and showers, the statement said.

Sterling House maintains a scholarship fund for children from Stratford and surrounding communities. A gift of $300 would send a child to the camp for one two-week session. If interested in contributing to the Sterling Park Day Camp Scholarship Fund or to apply for a camp scholarship contact Lou Perno, Executive Director at 203-378-2606, Ext. 103 or

For information about camp registration, call Sterling House at 203-378-2606.


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