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Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Police Citizens Academy Graduation

The Milford Police Department will be hosting a graduation ceremony for the fourth session of the Citizens Police Academy on Wednesday evening, April 20, 2011 at the Milford Public Library Community Room, 57 New Haven Avenue, commencing at 7:00 pm. The Milford Police Department began accepting applications for this session in December of 2010. After reviewing several applications, 25 participants were chosen to attend the fourth session that began on January 19, 2011. The class is made up of Milford residents and business owners ranging in ages from 21 to members of the senior community. The participants have gone through 12 weeks of sessions involving both classroom and hands on training, exposing them to a variety of law enforcement activities such as demonstrations of K-9 teams, SCUBA and SRT teams, as well as technology used by the department. Learning how to lift fingerprints, drive in an emergency vehicle-driving simulator, role play in a simulated “shoot don’t shoot” situation and firing a police issued firearm in the gun range were just a few more of the interesting topic areas the participants had exposure to. The opening of the graduation will be addressing “common police myths” followed by the presentation of certificates to the academy participants. In attendance at the ceremony we are expecting the graduates and their families, police commissioners, and elected city officials. Also, graduates from previous Milford Police Citizen Academy sessions are more than welcome to attend. There will be photo and interview opportunities at the completion of the ceremony. Any further inquiries regarding the ceremony please contact the Crime Prevention Unit at (203) 874-2366.


Blogger Kate said...

My Brother in Law was in this session and it sounded like he really enjoyed himself. (if you could enjoy yourself). He talks about it all the time.

April 13, 2011 at 12:58 AM 

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