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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Volunteers, interns sought for federal wildlife refuge work

The U.S. Department of the Interior Fish and Wildlife Service, Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, has several summer internship and volunteer opportunities in Connecticut.

- Migratory bird monitors at Faulkner Island in Guilford. Housing in Westbrook may be available.

- Interns to work Stratford to Westbrook; up to $220 per week may be available, May-August.

- Volunteers to live and work at Faulkner Island in Guilford, Outer Island in Branford, Sheffield Island in Norwalk and Calf Island in Greenwich, May-September.

- Two volunteers needed for general maintenance and office/visitor service at the Salt Meadow in Westbrook, May-September.

Applicants must be physically fit and have a valid driver’s license. Send a cover letter, a resume and three references to the Stewart B. McKinney National Wildlife Refuge, 733 Old Clinton Road, Westbrook 06498 or e-mail

Applications are reviewed as they are received. Applications are due April 1, but some hiring will be done before then.

For information, call 860-399-2513.



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