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Thursday, February 19, 2009

PTSD: come hear more

WEST HAVEN - Milford Author Elliott Storm will speak on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and civilians at a book signing event at 6:30 p.m. March 18 at the West Shore Lodge #2832, Order of the Sons & Daughters of Italy in Amerca, 37 Orlando St. West Haven.
Joining Storm will be: John Labarca, Jack Mordente, Timothy Kelly, the State Judge Advocate, Denise McDonald, former Miss Connecticut Heidi Voight, and others.

Dinner tickets are $15 for members of the Lodge; $20 for non-members. Cash bar. Reserve tickets now with checks payable to: West Shore Lodge #2832 OSDIA, c/o Phyllis Siclari, President, 75 E. Brown St., W. Haven, CT 06516. For more info, call (203) 605-6482.
Storm has travelled across the country to share his story and the book.

The book will be available for sale after dinner for $24.95 (MasterCard and Visa accepted). A portion of the proceeds will benefit the order's Scholarship Fund.


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