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Friday, July 25, 2008

Champion of the Arts

Neighborhood Music School recently honored State Speaker of the House Jim Amann, D-Milford, as the first recipient of its Champion of the Arts Award. NMS created the Champion of the Arts Award to recognize outstanding leadership in improving access to music and arts education for children and adults throughout Connecticut, the school said in a statement.
Carol Ross, immediate past president of the school’s Board of Directors, presented the award to Amann at a special ceremony at the school, which is in New Haven’s Audubon Arts District.
"We are delighted to recognize the many contributions Jim Amann has made during his tenure as House speaker. In many areas of public policy, he has made a difference for the better. The students, faculty and supporters of the Neighborhood Music School join me in thanking him for his steadfast support of cultural programs, including arts and music education for people of all ages," Ross said in the statement.
Established in 1911, Neighborhood Music School is the largest independent non-profit community arts school in Connecticut, and one of the 10 largest in the country, the statement said. Its mission is to provide high quality instruction in music and dance and make it accessible to people of all ethnic and economic circumstances. Major renovations of the school’s facility at 100 Audubon St. were completed in 2006, including expansion of the Recital Hall, façade and entryway, upgrades to the numerous teaching studios, and replacement of mechanical systems. The $5 million project was funded through a $2 million grant through the state Connecticut Bond Commission and an additional $3 million from private foundations and individuals, the statement said.


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